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Here is a partial list of some of the Hottest Night & Strip Clubs in NYC.  Some of the info here might be outdated. Clubs change their names and sometimes their phone numbers because an incident may have happened inside or outside of them so in order not to get labeled by the public as a place where incidents occur, they change their names so that if someone said "Yow, let's go to "Incidents Happen Club" , the other person might say "Oh, that's the club where two guys or two girls got shot, I'm not going." They change their names to something different.Do you know of a club that's happening? Send me an with the name and address. I will include it on this site. 
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Cris' Place
1300 E. 222 Street
Bronx, NY 10466
(corner of Boston Rd. & E. 222nd Street)

Act III Night Club
White Plains Road & 
E. 238th Street/Nereid Ave
Bronx, New York

El Oceano
1816 Boston Road 
Bronx, New York 
(Between 175th Street & Hoe Avenue)

Club Mantra
1816 Boston Road 
Bronx, New York 
(Between 175th Street & Hoe Avenue)


Q Club
Queens, New York

Club Amazura
91-12  144th Place 
Queens, New York
(The corner of Archer Ave & 144th Place)

Dubie's Palace

Queens, New York

Club Metropolis Night
123rd Street 
Queens, New York (Shut down)


914-636 8183
435 North Avenue
New Rochelle, New York
(This is the club to go if you want to visit or meet a "classy" gold digging chick)

Stinger's Lounge
Mt. Vernon
New York

Kristal (Border) Lounge
146 W Sandford Blvd.
Mt. Vernon, New York 10550

Manhattan Clubs

The Shadow
229 West 28th Street (7th Avenue) 
New York, New York 
Check out wbls.com for more info about admission, time, events and directions

Le Bar Bat
212-307 - 7228
311 West 57th Street (Between 8th & 9th Avenue)
New York, N.Y. 
[Admission $10.00.  Every Tuesday R&B, comedy. Doors open at 5:30pm. Showtime begins at 7:00pm followed by an after party. Complimentary buffet between 5:30pm - 7pm.]

Platinum Plus Nite Club
(formerly First Class Nite Club)
433 Edgecomb Avenue
(corner of 155 and St. Nicholas Place)

Brooklyn Clubs

The Lab
1428 Fulton Street 
Brooklyn, New York 
Check out wbls.com for more info about admission, time, events and directions

Albany Manor
585 Midwood Avenue 
Brooklyn, New York

New Jersey Clubs

Broker's Entertainment Complex
201-678  8800
88 Evergreen Place
East Orange, New Jersey 
Check out wbls.com for more info about admission, time, events and directions

Planetarium Club
Route 9W (Bet. South Williams & Dixon) 
120 South Robinson Avenue 
Newburgh, New York

Long Island Clubs

Jam Rock
276 Fulton Street 
Hempstead, Long Island


Connecticut Clubs

7 Academy Street
Norwalk, Connecticut

George Washington Carver Center
7 Academy Street
Norwalk, Connecticut


(Some Places might be out of Biz 'cause of the new laws). Thankz to the people who emailed me with new clubs! Peace.


Harlem Heat
2314 12th Avenue
Manhattan, New York  ($5 to get in )
(The girls and place is off the hook. Real good)

(Mt. Vernon, NY)

Sue's Rendezvous
96 Grammatan Ave
Mt. Vernon, NY
(Me and my sparring P went to check out this strip club in Mt. Vernon on 2/6/00.  I almost went f***ing blind. The club was all lights like Yankee Stadium. I felt like we were about to be interrogated. The girls seem to be mostly White or Puerto Rican (nothing wrong with dat) but hardly any Blackgirls up in there.. who knows why. This was not for me ... too much lights. We're outta there).

(Queens NYC)

2700 Queens Plaza South
Long Island City, NY, 718-786-8390
Gallagher's II
123-05 28th Avenue
Flushing NY, 718-321-8576
Rockaway Blvd & 85 Street, 718-845-9580
The Treasure Chest
60-07 Metropolitan Ave
Queens, NY, 718-821-7222
The Airstrip
Corner of Rockaway Blvd & Farmers Blvd, 718-995-0500

50 West 33rd Street
Btwn 5th & Broadway
New York, NY

96-24 Queens Blvd.
Rego Park, NY
ph: 718-897-4606

2403 Queens Plaza North
Long Island City, N.Y. 11101


51-07 27th Street
Long Island City, NY










The Quarry (Reviews)
141 E. 140th Street (off Grandconcourse)
Bronx, New York ($15 b4 12am $25 after. $5 drinks)
(HA! Just to let you know, don't waste your time going here. I went there 3/1/01 and they were closed. The name is still intact, but no action here. I guess this is what happens when motherf...rs get greedy. Want all lose all. I had the last laugh... Ha!)
(Reviewed again 12/9/00. What a joke this place has turned out to be in the over the past month. I decided to stop up in the Quarry to see what was going on and it was such a rip-off. First off, they charge you $15 bucks to get in. Yes I paid it, but that was cause I was anticipating the same caliber of fine girls that I saw from the first time. I say don't waste your time. I didn't even tip cause I was not going to let some hoe tell me how to spend my money. Fuck that!! I told the motherfuckers at the door it will be last time they will see my $15 or my face in that place. I will visit, but just to find out how much they are charging and see the type of girls going in.)
Reviewed 11/2000. Yes, yes, yes. I visited the Quarry and wasn't sorry. This is the place to be on Thursdays. The girls are beautiful and your won't regret spending a $20 bucks tipping. I'm in love)

Corner of 233rd & Conner Streets
Bronx, New York  ($5 to get in $5 for drinks)
(As of 4/30/2000 they still did not have a beer or liquor license. I asked the manager why and he said they were still in court haggling over liquor license. They serve iced tea for $5 a fucking pop. Lap dances $20 bucks. The girls R nice but not for $20 bucks. I say fuck dat shit!! Hey baaaby want to lap dance?)

Harry's Triangle ****
Hunts Point
Bronx, New York ($10 to get in)
(Lose 50lbs for free in one night here. This club is so fucking hot (heat hot not girls hot even though some of the girls ARE hot) you get a headache just looking inside) Anyway, it's the last club on left driving straight down on Hunts Point Ave)
Mr. Al's Wedge
675 Hunts Point
Bronx, NY 10457
Cover Charge $10 Thursday-Saturday (Sunday - Wednesday (Free))
The Hall
OakPoint Avenue
Bronx, New York ($5 to get in)
Lap dance is about $5-$10. Nice out-of-the-way joint!
(Off Hunts Point Ave)

(New Jersey)

The Doll House
Lyons Ave
Irvington, NJ
No Cover $5 - $10 Lap Dances











1850 Jericho Turnpike (Long Island)
Huntington, NY



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