Updated 11.7.01
Blu Cantrell Pictures have been circulating
the internet and I have them. Blu Cantrell is the singer of the hit single
"Oops! Hit 'em Up". Click the picture and you can see for yourself. If
you wish to see for yourself, just make a run to your local bodega or neighborhood
grocer and peep the latest issue of "Sister
to Sister" magazine. It's the December
issue with Blu Cantrell on the cover. She says she "has no regrets," and
though this "isn't the best time for something like this to be happening,"
she'd "consider doing it again!" Interesting. Remember to keep checking
back at this site because it is updated with other celeb slip up at least
every month.
Look at
Me Ma! I'm a Pussy.
Silbereis, a 17-year-old high school student from Ann Arbor, Mich., won
first place at an after-school costume party at Community High School.
He came dressed as a vagina. Administrators found Silbereis' vagina costume
inappropriate so they came into his class and told him to either remove
it or go home. He removed it, but later wore it at the after school costume
party. They suspended him Wednesday 10/31/01 until the end of the week.
Christian told The Ann Arbor News, "It's anatomically correct."
The costume had a pink cape and T-shirt bearing the image of a fetus. Rosalyn
Tulip, his Mom was so proud. She said "There's nothing inappropriate about
what's given all of us life". She says her son respects women and their
bodies. The truth behind this is last year, she wore the costume to a party.
The dean said staff members were outraged at the costume. After hearing
about the suspension, his mother says he shouldn't have put it back on
after the teacher told him to take it off. May
your pussy rest in peace.
of Pussies, did you know (the current President) George W. Bush
was a cheerleader at Phillips Academy in Andover, MA. Yep! There he is
with the bullhorn (sucking on a dick) to his mouth.
Show me the Money.A
New York woman found $700K in a Blunder by Chase Manhattan Bank. A
single mother, Susan Madakor, 40, discovered $700,000 in her bank account.
The money was intended for a United Nations environmental fund and ended
up in Madakor´s account by mistake, but she thought the money was
a jackpot from a lottery she played. By the time the mistake was discovered,
Madakor left her job at a textile company and bought a laundry business
for $100,000, set up a college savings fund for her 10-year-old son, paid
off $30,000 in credit card debt, furnished a new apartment and leased a
van. Susan who lives in public housing is fighting to get the money back
in court. The foreign governments that provided the funds used an account
number that was off by one digit. Urban Legend or True Story!
Face in the Cloud of Smoke!!
for yourself. These pictures are unretouched. They were taken by
a photographer named
Mark Phillips who works for the Associated Press. CNN along with
TV Denver, The Saginaw
News. I am still getting a lot of after shock pictures of the WTC towers.
But this link I got showing satan's face in the plume of smoke when the
towers were first hit are unbelieveable. There is also more pictures at
I believe I was skeptical when I first saw it, but these pictures were
run in a number of newspapers across the country. The only ones that didn't
run it were some of the New York papers because they don't believe they
were authentic. Well, came to find out the guy took the pictures with his
digital camera and since you can't alter digital pictures from the source,
it is believed to have been true the "face" were indeed authentic. I do
believe we are living in a time when prophecy is being revealed, but people
don't want to believe because they don't want the world to "End". Whatever,
the reason, it is there to see.
Carey On the Verge of Being Let Go By Her Record Company EMI.
It is certainly a fact that songstress Mariah Carey is on her way out of
her contract with EMI/Virgin Records. Alain Levy will replace Ken Berry.
Alain is a top executive and said the board of directors at EMI would try
to renegotiate Carey's $80 million contract. One of reason for this is
Carey's "Glitter" CD only sold 400,000 copies far below expectations.
It is also said that Ken Berry the guy being replaced gave a lot of favors
to his wife -- they are now separated -- and even moved her up the ranks.
Berry's wife is said to spare no expense when marketing the artistes. She
is being kicked out also. I guess she can go sell in the market now. Ha!
Get this Stevie Wonder allegedly Gives Angela McAfee Herpes:
It's true the papers were filed on October 4, 2001 in the Los Angeles County
Superior Court, Los Angeles. Angela McAfee, Stevie's ex-girlfried has filed
a $30 million palimony suit claiming Stevie gave her herpes and reneged
on a promise to support her for life. She claims she was diagnosed with
genital herpes in October 2000. Who is this woman? Well she is said to
be Wonder's wardrobe assistant from 1986 to 1990. She claims, Wonder persuaded
her "that he would be committed to her and that he would end his habit
of engaging in serial and multiple relationships because God had told him
that Angela was his wife." Yeah! Right! And I just hit lotto but I am going
to give the money away!
Anyway, she says that they
reached an oral agreement that would make him the sole breadwinner and
make her a homemaker. Bitch! He been a breadwinner ever since he was eleven.
She says Stevie promised to support her for life even if they did break
up. Dumb Bitch Alert! Dumb
Bitch Alert!
The lawsuit states "Steve
promised to provide post-relationship lifetime support to pay for Angela's
assistance, 24-hour security service by armed off-duty Los Angeles Police
Department officers, clothing, transportation, medical, office, household
staff and other expenses." Stevie's lawyer, Laura Wasser says "We're
sorry that Ms. McAfee has chosen not to be truthful. For the record, Stevie
Wonder never entered into any contract with her, oral, written or implied."
As for the herpes allegations, Stevie's second wife, Karen Millard-Morris,
have welcomed a baby boy, born in September and Stevie has tested negative
for herpes. Wasser adds, "Since he does not have herpes, one can only wonder
where she contracted the disease." Ouch.