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Infiniti Movement Logo!
Updated 1.09.01

OK! I can't take the abuse no more. I am going to go the route of registering InfinitiMovement.com. Tripod ripped down my pages (all) because there was some suggestive pics on their site. I had another name registered as infinitimovement.tripod.com cause people kept spelling Infinti with either an "I" or "Y" and sometimes ended up with a page that says we're not here. So I decided to register and set up a similar site with the spelling of the letter "i" and one with the "y" at the end so that even if they typed in the wrong spelling they would still get to me. Not anymore! the one with the "i" is gone. So I said it's either .... what was I saying? What the hell? I'll just do it and stop bitching! Happy New Year People? We still haven't found Osama yet? He's probably having lunch with Bush or Powell. Know what I would do if I had to punish him? I would make him clean up Ground Zero? And charge people to come throw rocks at him. Anyway, onto the news.

DELROY Foster aka "DELLY Ranks" was carjacked by 3 men taking his 1996 Toyota Rav-4 recently. Delly Ranks is purportedly demanding that they better bring back his car and park the vehicle at a convenient place where he can pick it up. (Now, let me see! Someone takes you out of your car while you were there and you didn't do anything then, then you are demanding they bring it back and park it somewhere convenient? What in the blue hell makes you think they are going to bring your vehicle back?) Dumb Delly! While crying oops! venting at the office of the Jamaica STAR, Delly stated "I'm not rich, I'm just an ambitious young man. Me work hard for what me have so all me a ask the man them who take it is to just park the vehicle where me can go pick it up." And off the men skipped bring his car back with a pail of water. PUHLEASE!

The police confirmed the deejay was robbed of his motor vehicle and were unable to give other details than the robbers left a white Toyota Camry (not for Delly ranks or was it?) See Delly they were considerate you can drive the Camry while they drive your van.

Delly Ranks was robbed of his motor vehicle at gunpoint while he waited outside the home of a relative along Deanery Road in Kingston at about 12:57 p.m. "They didn't know that it was me at first but now they know so they just bring back my things," the deejay said. He said that he was sitting in his vehicle when a white Toyota Camry motor car drove up near his vehicle and stopped. Delly said he thought it was a "$20 taxi" and that the vehicle parked up good and a man come from out of the back and walk behind my car," he said. He said that two other men, including the driver, got out of the car and walked towards his vehicle. Delly Ranks said that he was not aware of them as he thought that they were passengers in a robot taxi. One of the men allegedly went to the driver's window and pulled a gun on Delly Ranks and ordered him to get out of the vehicle. "Me want cry, me want to laugh, me feel happy me feel sad, me feel everything same time and it is not a good feeling," he said. Ranks said that while he was exiting the car, he was pushed back into the vehicle and his gold chain stolen. He said that the men drove away with his vehicle, leaving the Toyota Camry behind. Drive de friggin Camry. It's yours now! What's the difference they are both Toyota and "DRIVEN".


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